Flipnote Hatena Weekly News: November 6, 2009


As of today, 86 days have passed since the release of Flipnote Studio and Flipnote Hatena for markets outside of Japan (86 days since the release in the Americas region, and 84 days since the release for the Europe and Oceania region). Also, we are getting close to the 1 year anniversary of the release of the Japanese version of Flipnote Studio (known in Japan as Ugoku Memocho) which was released 317 days ago.

It is exciting for us to watch Flipnote Hatena grow and to see all of the amazing Flipnotes that you create. We'd like to thank you all for your participation in our online community, and will continue to do our best to make new additions to Flipnote Hatena so you can enjoy the service even more.

In this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena news blog, we're going to showcase some of our favorite Flipnotes based on last weeks topic "Links", and introduce our new topic for this week which is "Food".

Also, we've started a new weekly section of the blog devoted to your original frog photos from around the world that we hope you'll enjoy called Weekly Frog Sightings. Please scroll down to the bottom of this blog entry to check it out.

Thanks to the help of Dr. Zoom and MdM you can also read a translation of this blog in German or Italian. Please be sure to check out the translations of the blog and give them some stars for all of their hard work.

Here is a list of the URL's that you can use to read the different language versions of this news blog:

If you are interested in helping us translate the blog to French or Spanish please get in touch with us. Please note that this is a volunteer position, but your work will be very much appreciated by all of us at Hatena and the Flipnote Hatena community.

Also please let us know any feedback you might have about our blog by posting your comments in the box at the bottom of this blog entry.

The best of last week's topic: "Links"

As of today, there were 1,538 Flipnotes posted by users from around the world for last week's topic "Links" and we've done our best to introduce some of the best of those Flipnotes which we hope you'll enjoy.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted by users for last week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic posted from your own region by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

"Links" Flipnotes from the Americas:

★ We really enjoyed "Magician's hat" by helium (id:galliummoon) which is a well-done animation of rabbits, birds and handkerchiefs linked together coming out of a magic hat. Helium has also posted an unlocked version if you would like to try adding to it yourself.

★ We liked the smooth animation and nice sound in this Flipnote about links by fl029™ (id:fl029). Happy belated birthday, and thanks for posting this Flipnote!

★ This excellent Flipnote by Daddy (id:jtek) has very nice composition and shows the link between a juggler who exists in the real world and the stick figure world. Great job!

"Links" Flipnotes from Europe and Oceania:

★ This great Flipnote by Jackton (id:Jackton) shows a variety of scenes and situations that are linked together using the common feature of a ball.

★ The concept of "Six degrees of separation" is expressed nicely in this Flipnote by Hinto (id:Hinto) who is always posting great stuff for the weekly topic with interesting animation and sound.

"Links" Flipnotes from Japan:

★ Be sure to have a look at the "Long scarf" series started by Marimura (id:marimura) which is a collaborative Flipnote series made by multiple creators who continue from where the other left off. The series currently has 7 links, ending with this Flipnote by Koaramii (id:koaramii)

There is a whole channel devoted to the "Long scarf" series that you can check out at the URL below:


★ We really enjoyed this short and simple "Link" Flipnote by Ponyo (id:R347) featuring one of our favorite characters, the Flipnote Frog, who seems to be appearing in all sorts of places these days.

★ This nicely drawn Flipnote by K.HINA (id:hinamikan) contains the simple message that people around the world are all connected -- nice work!

This week's topic: "Food Flipnotes"

In many parts of the world autumn is when the harvest takes place, and there are all kinds of delicious types of food to eat. In Japan, autumn is often called "the season for strong appetites", and there are many delicious specialties to eat.

To celebrate this season of delicious food we'd like you to submit your best Flipnotes about the topic of "food" or "eating".

Tell us about what food you like, or something about eating, or anything you can think of that relates to the topic and post your submissions by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

You can also check out the current Flipnotes about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see postings from all regions):


We'll introduce some of the best Flipnotes from around the world based on this week's theme in next week's Flipnote Hatena news blog.

Hatena Request Channel

Do you have any ideas about how we can improve Flipnote Hatena? Please let us know by posting a Flipnote with your ideas to the Hatena Request Channel.

You can post your ideas and feedback by entering the command to directly access the Hatena Request Channel and post your Flipnotes for us there.

You can see the current submissions to the Hatena Request Channel the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


Weekly Frog Sighting

As an addition to the blog for this week, we've added a new corner called "Weekly Frog Sightings". We'd like to feature photographs from around the world of frog related things that you may encounter.

If you are interested in having your frog photo featured here, you can post it on Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we'll choose the best one's and feature them here.

Please submit only original photos that you have taken yourself, and tell us the place and date you took the photo.

This week's frog photo is from Kyoto, Japan where recently road construction barriers shaped liked frogs have appeared all around the city.


Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, and please add a star if you enjoyed it!

Also, please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below.

Hatena Haiku