Hello everyone, this is Aaron at Hatena in Kyoto. I hope that you are all keeping warm and healthy, and are enjoying posting and watching Flipnotes.
We don't have any major releases this week, so I thought I'd tell you about the new color star exchange feature that we recently released for Flipnote Hatena users in Japan.
Users in Japan can now exchange color stars that they own to get new themes for their Creator's Room. There are various ways that you can earn color stars for free for your activities on Hatena, and we also plan to have color star boxes for purchase from the Hatena color star shop for users in all regions soon too. (You can also get rare color stars if you post a Flipnote about the weekly topic that we feature here in the news blog)
Here are some screen shots of several of the new Creator's Room themes available in Japan (currently 10 different types are available) :
"Sweets Time"- one of the most popular new Creator's Room themes Currently, these new themes are available only for Flipnote Hatena users in Japan, but we also plan to release them for users in the Americas region and Europe and Oceania regions in the near future.
We'll let you know the latest news about the status of these and all other new releases here on our blog, and thank you for your patience and support.
We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes!
In this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena news blog, we're going to show you some of our favorite Flipnotes based on last week's topic "Transformation", and introduce our new topic for this week which is "Winter Sports".
If you post Flipnotes about the weekly topic, we might feature yours here on the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog next week and give you some rare color stars -- post your Flipnotes and join in the fun!
Lastly, scroll to the bottom of this blog entry to see Weekly Frog Sightings where we feature original frog photos and illustrations from users like you. Post your original frog photos to Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we might feature it here next week.
Read the Flipnote Hatena News blog in your language
Here is a list of the URL's that you can use to read the different language versions of this news blog:
- English:
- French:
- German:
- Italian:
- Japanese:
- Spanish:
Also, thanks to the help and support of MdM (id:MdMbunny) you can also read a translation of this blog in Italian, and id:Alex_BCN82 is now translating our blog into Spanish. Please be sure to check out the other language versions of the blog, since there are some differences between each version. It might be a good way to learn a foreign language too!
Also, please let us know any feedback you might have about our blog by posting your comments in the box at the bottom of this blog entry.
The best of last week's topic: "Transformation"
As of today, there were 3,439 Flipnotes posted by users from around the world for last week's topic. We've selected some of the best Flipnotes from the past week which we hope you'll enjoy.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted by users for last week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic posted from your own region by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.
"Transformation" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region:
★ Flipnote by HARRY (id:jago12-345)
★ Flipnote by MdM (id:MdMbunny)
★ Flipnote by Blood Wolf (id:Lunara-the-Wolf)
★ Flipnote by K+B (id:Ben-is-Cool)
★ Flipnote by Ductor (id:Ductor)
★ Flipnote by Xenomorph (id:pouili)
"Transformation" Flipnotes from Japan:
★ Flipnote by Yuuki (id:sachi-1914)
★ Flipnote by tenma (id:godofevil28)
★ Flipnote by Mafuripa (id:kensukesan)
★ Flipnote by Aka Ò◇Ó (id:samazamanaaka)
★ Flipnote by (Pan)
★Flipnote by IV41_ (id:IV41_N)
"Transformation" Flipnotes from the Americas region:
★ Flipnote by Loner (id:MONONOKE)
★ Flipnote by John (id:Babbinos)
★ Flipnote by Tortugaman (id:Tortugaman)
★ Flipnote by Light-chan (id:Lightian)
★ Flipnote by Sk8erfreak (id:kertu6611)
★ Flipnote by ★☆♪J♪☆★(id:PinkDSi)
This week's topic: "Winter Sports"
For this week's topic we'd like you to post Flipnotes about winter sports such as snowboarding, hockey, curling, ski-jumping or any other that you you can think of. Choose a sport and make a Flipnote about it, or make a Flipnote related to your favorite country or athlete -- or even create a new competitive winter sport of your own! See what you can create based on this topic, and post it to channel 8 from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.
We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes, and will feature some of the best ones next week here in the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog.
You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
Follow Flipnote Hatena on Twitter
We've started a Twitter account to keep you updated about the latest news and happenings at Flipnote Hatena.
Follow us at: http://twitter.com/flipnotehatena
Weekly Frog Sighting
If you are interested in having your frog photo featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog you can post it on Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we'll choose the best ones and feature them here.
Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.
Here's a great photo of a frog shirt that was posted by id:kerious
The person wearing the shirt is a luthier (violin maker) from his workplace.
Here's a cool image of the Flipnote Frog that was created in LittleBigPlanet by id:Codeman435
LittleBigPlanet ©2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Media Molecule. LittleBigPlanet is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, and please add a star if you enjoyed it!
Also, please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below.