Hello from all of us at the Hatena offices in Kyoto. This is Aaron with another issue of our weekly news blog -- thanks for taking the time to check it out.
Exactly one year ago I began translating the Flipnote Hatena into English, and I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed, and how much the service has grown. It really does make me happy to be able to watch your Flipnotes and comments from all around the globe, and I hope that all of you in the Flipnote Hatena community are enjoying the growth of the service too.
We don't have any major releases to announce this week, but one notable item is that users in Europe will be able to get their hands on the new Nintendo DSi XL, which goes on sale next Friday (March 5, 2010) and comes pre-installed with Flipnote Studio. Earlier this week, Nintendo of America also announced that the Nintendo DSI XL will be released on March 28, 2010 in the United States. Flipnote Studio on the DSi XL will be the same as the version that is currently available, but it's quite an experience to create and view your Flipnotes on the new, larger screens of the Nintendo DSi XL. Please go to your local game shop and have a look!
Also, the Flipnote team has created some additional new Creator's Rooms themes for our users in Japan, and we hope to have some news about availability for these for the Americas and Europe and Oceania regions soon too. We'll let you know about release dates here on our blog when things are ready to go. In the meantime, here is a preview for you of what the new themes look like:
Keep posting your Flipnotes and thanks for all of your support!
In this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena news blog, we're going to show you some of our favorite Flipnotes based on last week's topic "Winter Sports", and introduce our new topic for this week which is "Dolls".
If you post Flipnotes about the weekly topic, we might feature yours here on the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog next week and give you some rare color stars -- post your Flipnotes and join in the fun!
Lastly, scroll to the bottom of this blog entry to see Weekly Frog Sightings where we feature original frog photos and illustrations from users like you. Post your original frog photos to Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we might feature it here next week.
Read the Flipnote Hatena News blog in your language
Here is a list of the URL's that you can use to read the different language versions of this news blog:
- English:
- French:
- German:
- Italian:
- Japanese:
- Spanish:
Also, thanks to the help and support of MdM (id:MdMbunny) you can also read a translation of this blog in Italian, and id:Alex_BCN82 is now translating our blog into Spanish. Please be sure to check out the other language versions of the blog, since there are some differences between each version. It might be a good way to learn a foreign language too!
Also, please let us know any feedback you might have about our blog by posting your comments in the box at the bottom of this blog entry.
The best of last week's topic: "Winter Sports"
As of today, there were 1,827 Flipnotes posted by users from around the world for last week's topic. We've selected some of the best Flipnotes from the past week which we hope you'll enjoy.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted by users for last week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic posted from your own region by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.
"Winter Sports" Flipnotes from the Europe & Oceania region:
★ Flipnote by Zapp / ゼップ (id:Lepidoptero-Nerd)
★ Flipnote by anthony (id:anthony_Zite_9)
★ Flipnote by Franzy (id:dolly99)
★ Flipnote by BôRñ2BóâRD (id:BoRn2Sk8)
★ Flipnote by Camille (id:Cam92)
★ Flipnote by ryan lolza (id:killerz50)
"Winter Sports" Flipnotes from Japan:
★ Flipnote by Ensachi (id:ensacc)
★ Flipnote by R
★ Flipnote by Godanchi (id:a9372-8085-7482)
★ Flipnote by Poyo (id:mino90)
★ Flipnote by Nyanpachi
★ Flipnote by L&M
"Winter Sports" Flipnotes from the Americas region
★ Flipnote by fred (id:blankenburg)
★ Flipnote by ASHLER (id:ASHLER)
★ Flipnote by René (id:Afrolicious)
★ Flipnote by Lirea (id:Lirea)
★ Flipnote by Dan (id:danfig95)
★ Flipnote by DARIUS (id:DASYKO)
This week's topic: "Dolls"
For this week's topic we'd like you to post Flipnotes about dolls. The Japanese Doll Festival (called the Hina-matsuri in Japanese), also known as Girls' Day, takes place every year on March 3. In Japan, young girls display their collections of dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, and their attendants, and musicians in traditional Japanese costumes. Since most Flipnote Hatena users outside of Japan have probably never seen this festival before, we've tried our best to internationalize the topic and make it broader. Please post anything related to dolls, which could include human looking toys, action figures, baby dolls, or any other dolls you can think of and bring them to life in your Flipnotes! See what you can create based on this topic, and post it to channel 8 from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.
We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes, and will feature some of the best ones next week here in the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog.
You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
Follow Flipnote Hatena on Twitter
We've started a Twitter account to keep you updated about the latest news and happenings at Flipnote Hatena.
Follow us at: http://twitter.com/flipnotehatena
Weekly Frog Sighting
If you are interested in having your frog photo featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog you can post it on Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we'll choose the best ones and feature them here.
Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.
It's so cold in Kyoto, that even the frogs have to wear winter clothing.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, and please add a star if you enjoyed it!
Also, please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below.