March 31, 2010: Hatena Featured Artist - Sukai (id:Sukai)


Welcome to the third edition of the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

Every two weeks we post an interview with a talented creator on Flipnote Hatena, and include some information about their background, and the inspiration for their work.

Be sure to check back here every other Wednesday to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Sukai (id:Sukai) from Japan.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a 22 year-old university student and living in Hokkaido, Japan. I will start working from April. I make Flipnotes of my own characters that I call "Ugo Chara" and post them to Flipnote Hatena or to my Hatena Diary blog.

How did you learn about Flipnote Hatena?

I found Flipnote Hatena for the first time on Nintendo's website. Before Flipnote Studio was released, I was shocked at how great the Flipnotes made by the Nintendo and Hatena Staff were, and I was very excited to download Flipnote Studio.

What do you do in your free time?

I look at the Flipnotes that are posted to my Ugo Chara channel by other users, and add bookmarks to Flipnotes which are worthy of being added to into my Ugo Chara Hall of Fame channel, or to introduce in my Hatena Diary blog. I believe there are many interesting Flipnotes that never reach the Popular Flipnotes section.

What kind of Flipnotes do you want/like to create?

Here are some of my ideas for news things I'd like to try:

  • Create sequels to some of my Flipnotes
  • Hold an illustration contest
  • Create Flipnotes that can be played like a game between two people.

I have many ideas for Flipnotes I want to make in the future! I would love to create a Flipnote that even people in other countries who speak a different language can enjoy. I'm going to keep making fun and exciting Flipnotes, so please keep checking out my new work!

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!

Check out Sukai's works on Flipnote Hatena and Sukai's Blog (in Japanese)
