Flipnote Hatena Weekly News: Jan. 14, 2011


Hello, from all of us at Hatena. This is Aaron with another edition of the Flipnote Hatena weekly news blog.

Starting from this week we're making some changes to the weekly topic channel. Due to the large amount of off-topic Flipnotes being posted, we have decided to temporarily remove the channel from channel 7. In order to access the channel for this week's topic please scroll down and tap on the link.

We hope that this change will allow people who really want to participate in the weekly topic to still do so, and also improve the overall quality of the Flipnotes in the channel.

Winners of the weekly topic will still be awarded with some free color stars, and also get their Flipnotes featured in other regions on Flipnote Hatena. We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes, and hope that you enjoy the news blog this week.

Thanks from all of us at Hatena.

Featured Flipnotes from the "Make Your Own Mario Flipnote" from the Europe and Oceania region


As of today, users in the Americas region can view the some of the best "Make Your Own Mario Flipnote" posted by users in the Europe and Oceania region on Flipnote Hatena.

Nintendo is happy to present some of their favorite Flipnotes with comments from the creators of Super Mario Bros. (Shigeru Miyamoto, Takashi Tezuka, and Yoshiaki Koizumi). These Flipnotes can be viewed by tapping on the "Make a Mario Flipnote" button from the top menu of Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi, or viewed online at http://mario25.nintendo.com/marioflipnote as well as the Nintendo Channel on your Wii console. Thank you for your participation!

New limited edition themes: Deluxe Black Series Collection


We are pleased to announce the release of a new series of limited edition themes in the Color Star Exchange featuring new deluxe versions of several popular themes. From January 7 (Friday) to January 28 (Friday) you'll get a chance to win 2 new limited edition themes (deluxe and simple types) that change weekly every time you exchange 10 color stars for a theme.

This week's limited edition themes feature black scorpions.

f:id:aaron:20110114152419g:image f:id:aaron:20110114152418g:image

For more information about this campaign tap on the "Get Special Themes!" button on the top menu of Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.

This week's new themes

The Flipnote team has created two new Creator's Room themes that are available in the Color Star Exchange this week. Below are some screenshots and details about the new themes.

★ The knight will become more powerful as you post more Flipnotes. (50 color stars)

f:id:aaron:20110114140124g:image:w100 f:id:aaron:20110114140123g:image:w100 f:id:aaron:20110114140122g:image:w100 f:id:aaron:20110114140121g:image:w100 f:id:aaron:20110114140120g:image:w100

★ This theme features cute strawberry characters on top of a cake. (20 color stars)


The best of last week's topic: "Exaggeration"

We've selected some of the best Flipnotes posted from around the world that we hope you'll enjoy.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Exaggeration

You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic by entering the command via "Command Search" on Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.

"Exaggeration" Flipnotes from Japan

★ Flipnote by Juutan (id:dokkanbeat)

★ Flipnote by Akibin (id:Lzg)

★ Flipnote by Fuon♪ (id:bear-ars)

★ Flipnote by Osushi (id:okappazusi)

★ Flipnote by Ryou

★ Flipnote by NAO (id:komugi0628)

"Exaggeration" Flipnotes from the Americas region

★ Flipnote by ALEX (id:alexchivas36)

★ Flipnote by JA©○B (id:purple8888)

★ Flipnote by Runxforest (id:runxforest)

★ Flipnote by Niffian (id:Niffian)

★ Flipnote by Juanita (id:jalapenoflower)

★ Flipnote by fer (id:moniferxd)

"Exaggeration" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region

★ Flipnote by ◎ToaTom◎ (id:ThomasR95)

★ Flipnote by SuperCesco (id:SuperCesco)

★ Flipnote by Riffi (id:blortydo)

★ Flipnote by Stella (id:Stella-Bella)

★ Flipnote by Mick@56yrs (id:mickinderby)

★ Flipnote by MfM (id:barrettvids)

This week's topic: "Hands" (1/14/2011 - 1/20/2011)

For this week's topic we'd like you to create Flipnotes that have something to do with "hands". For example, you can create animations with the Nintendo DSi Camera of your hands, draw animations that teach sign language, or make an original song by clapping your hands and adding animation it. Feel free to create anything that you'd like for this week's topic that contains hands.

We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes, and will feature some of the best ones in the next edition of Flipnote Hatena Weekly News. Post the Flipnotes you create to the channel below from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

Also, please do not use copyrighted music in your Flipnotes if you want them to be featured here.

You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Hands

Please note that you will need to submit your weekly topic Flipnote by Thursday January 20, 2011.

Weekly Frog Sighting

If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.

Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.

id:folsense drew a princess and frog in front of a stained glass with Adobe Photoshop Elements.


Please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below. Thanks!

★ You can also see comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the comments for the Flipnote below:

Hatena Haiku