September 30, 2011: Flipnote Hatena Weekly News



Hello Flipnote friends and fans. This is Aaron with this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News. We are glad to be back again after a 2 week absence.

Extending the weekly topic for a week allowed some extra time for artists to create their Flipnotes. I think you will find that the quality of the entries this week is much higher than usual. Thanks to all of you who posted!

We are also happy to bring you two new music related themes in the Color Star Exchange this week, as well a fun new topic that we hope you will all enjoy.

The Flipnote Hatena Weekly News will be published as usual next week, and we are looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes!

Thanks from all of at Hatena!

Flipnote of the Week

★ "Cinderella After Mindnight" by Yukki (id:yukkie-triangle) from Japan. △Yukki wrote and performed the original song for this Flipnote. The lyrics in Japanese translate as "Flickering moon, misty sky, calling you, the bell echoes. The melted remains of magic. I want to laugh with you, just the way you are."

The best of the last week's topic: "Light and Shadow"

This week we are happy to introduce some of our favorite weekly topic Flipnotes posted by creators from around the world.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Light and Shadow

"Light and Shadow" Flipnotes from the Americas region

★ We liked the detailed illustrations in this excellent Flipnote by chortlinMe (id:ChotlingArmadillo).

DiegomanHC (id:Diegoman) posted this cool animation titled "Let there be light" that caught our attention.

123...go! (id:Skeletorsbone) created a neat animation of his shadow along with an original soundtrack.

★ We liked this animation by €わÇ¡$○ (id:Enciso) about two cute characters named Shadow and Light.

Najat.T.S (id:gold69) created this nice animation about the day in the life of an ant.

★ This Flipnote by BTD (id:PhantomK) reminded us of movies made in the film noir style.

"Light and Shadow" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region

geezer (id:geezerdk) posted this animation about his character, Frank, in light and shadow.

★ Check out this amazing Flipnote by mrjohn (id:mrjohn) made with the Nintendo DSi Camera.

Ma Pignon (id:Zalmiacci) made this animation of a shadowy face titled "Exposure".

★ We enjoyed this Flipnote by TurnipHead (id:turniphead) that explores shadow and light.

★ We liked the 3D-like effects and sounds in this Flipnote by Savery (id:ivaaa) titled "Ball of Light!".

★ Enter a strange, shadowy world in this excellent Flipnote by Joni (id:hattukatti).

"Light and Shadow" Flipnotes from Japan

Michi (id:teccha) posted this amazing animation about two characters in lightness and darkness.

Procchi (id:ProTein) created this original song and animation titled "Stone" for the weekly topic.

★ This is a nice animation by Foomin (id:wrbyno10) about something strange that happens during an eclipse.

(=へ=) (id:Jmo_oJm) posted this cool Flipnote about a man, a music player, and his shadow.

★ This is an amazing Flipnote about a building in lightness and darkness that was posted by Ribdestroyer (id:ribdestroyer).

★ Animals jump around in the flickering light of a candle in this animation by teru (id:teroon).

This week's topic: "Zoo" (September 30, 2011 - October 6, 2011)

For this week's topic we invite you to take a virtual trip to a zoo. Introduce animals and other things that you might encounter at a zoo, and create original Flipnotes about them. You could even try bringing your Nintendo DSi to a zoo and take some photos or make some drawings of what you see.

Please submit your weekly topic Flipnotes by midnight on October 6, 2011 (Thursday) US Pacific Time, and we will feature some of our favorites on October 7, 2011 (Friday).

You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Zoo

New Creator's Room Themes

This week we are happy to introduce 2 new Creator's Room themes. For more information please visit the Color Star Exchange on Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.

★ You can almost hear the music when you look at these cool music themes. (10 color stars each)

f:id:aaron:20110929180939g:image f:id:aaron:20110929180938g:image

Frog Sightings

If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.

Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.

id:r0mer0 posted this photo of some gardeners working in the park. The one on the lawn-mower looked like a frog with his green jacket and the yellow ear protectors.


id:mew111naru created this frog out of letter-shaped vanilla cookies. This frog tastes good with milk!


Please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below. Thanks!

★ You can also see comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the comments for the Flipnote below:

Hatena Haiku