October 26, 2011: Hatena Featured Artist - Thomas (id:tomf-96)


Welcome to the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

We post the Hatena Featured Artist every week on Wednesday, and hope to introduce a variety of different artists that will inspire and entertain you.

Be sure to check here every week to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Thomas (id:tomf-96) from the Americas region.

Please tell us about yourself.

I'm 14 years old, and I live in San Francisco, California. I go to high school now, so I do not have as much free time to animate as I did last year. I have average grades, and actually like going to school. On weekends I am really bored and do nothing unless my friends are around.

What are your interests or hobbies, and how do you spend your free time?

I love to draw and animate, read, swim, play video games and watch TV. I do most of these things on weekends, except for swimming. I haven't been swimming in a while since it is not the season for it, so I am looking forward to next Spring!

I do not play many different games, just one or two. I have never taken animation or drawing lessons.

Please introduce some of your best Flipnotes, and tell us why you like them.

★ "The Fly Must Die" - I like this one a lot because of the way it is animated and the ridiculousness.

★ "Ninja(1)" - This is my favorite animation. The sounds and flow came out great. It took about 2 hours to make.

★ "Plasma Gun" - I made this in 10 minutes. It came to me in the car right after I posted my Weekly Topic "Sushi" flip note. It turned out better than I intended.

★ "Space Strawberries" - I worked really hard on the water splashing part. If you like this Flipnote, I recommend you check out my other space fruit animations too.

★ "Weekly Topic: "Swim" - I am happy with the way the arms came out in this Flipnote. This was featured in the weekly news.

What techniques or skills are you especially good at in your Flipnotes?

I think I do fine with drawing, and am good at drawing character poses, and mouth and arm movement. I like making all my own special effects and voices. Over time I have definitely become a better animator.

I would like to work on more fluid animation of the body and objects.

I hope to someday be able to make fight scenes and animations like those I see in popular animations on my Nintendo DSi.

Please introduce some of your favorite Flipnote Hatena artists.

MdM (id:MdMbunny) is my all time favorite creator. He creates great animation, music, and sounds all together. I envy his work.

Pekira (id:pekira9074) is my other favorite creator. Pekira is amazing, and is is one of those original and talented creators on Flipnote Hatena. I wish there were more creators like Pekira.

GBH is so great. He makes awesome Flipnotes that I wish I had the skills to make too. I admire him. I am just so disappointed that he does not post as often anymore.

Ashie (id:Ashie) is just like MdM. She is great at sounds and animating, and she supports me and comments on a lot of my animations.

Is there something you would like to say to the Flipnote Hatena community?

I am so honored to be featured as an artist on Hatena, it's just great! I am sorry I can not post so often, but studying comes first.

I would also like to say that plagiarizing is wrong and illegal, so give credit to the source when you use something that you did not make yourself. It would make everything a lot easier for them and you.

Thank you so much for the support, and I hope to get positive feedback and maybe get more popular! Heh, heh, just kidding! (About the popular part.)

Click here to check out all of the Flipnotes by Thomas (id:tomf-96)

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!
