October 28, 2011: Flipnote Hatena Weekly News


This is Aaron at Hatena in Kyoto, Japan with the latest news about what's happening on Flipnote Hatena.

We had a great time watching all of your Halloween Flipnotes! There were over 1,300 animations posted by creators around the globe. Thank you all for your excellent work, and we hope that you enjoyed the Halloween Flipnotes as much as we did. We wish you all a fun and safe Halloween!

Please note that we cannot feature animations that use copyrighted music without permission in the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News.

As a general rule, you should not use the following in your Flipnotes:

  • Music from TV, movies or videogames.
  • Music that is sold in stores or online.
  • Pictures from TV shows, movies, books or magazines.

This is just a brief list and is by no means everything in the world that is copyrighted. Please look into the copyright of anything you didn't create yourself before you use it in your Flipnotes. If you are a kid and don't understand copyrights, please ask your parent/guardian or a teacher to help you.

We recommend that you use royalty-free music or music that you have permission to use in your Flipnotes. You can find many sites on the Internet that have audio/music that you can use for free that is not copyrighted. Check out some of the sites below for Creative Commons licensable and other types of royalty free music:

Please note that Hatena is not responsible for the content of the external Internet sites above.

Use your skills and imagination to create completely original Flipnotes without using other peoples copyrighted works without permission. If you create everything in your Flipnotes yourself, you will never have to worry about copyrights.

Thank you for helping us to keep Flipnote Hatena a legal, creative and fun experience for everyone.

Lastly, we are not attorneys, and the information we present here should not be taken as legal advice. Hatena is offering this information for informational purposes only.

Thanks for checking out the weekly news blog. We are looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes!

Flipnote of the Week

★ The Flipnote of this week is a frogalistic work by (id:reig). We really like to see how all the cubes come back together.

The best of the last week's topic: "Halloween"

This week we are happy to introduce some of our favorite weekly topic Flipnotes posted by creators from around the world.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Halloween

"Halloween" Flipnotes from the Americas region

★ Please do not get scared by all the creepy sounds Pidgeot (id:Robinflighty) used.

GUZXZ™ (id:Gzxz_13) made both the animation and the music in this nicely done Flipnote.

★ We liked the usage of light and darkness in this Flipnote by “Goobie” (id:ProSoccer88).

★ We loved the great acting by Anthony (id:MarioAndSonicLover) in this scary short.

★ Check out how nice colors and shapes change in this Flipnote by Pat (id:graphicelvis).

グミーちゃん (id:SilverKirin) shows us how costumes can seem too realistic for some people.

"Halloween" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region

josecandel (id:goomer) reminds us how important it is to be on time and punctual.

★We liked how The Prince (id:Chaos_Cansu) kept us in darkness about what kind of creature is being chased.

★ Fly away with a witch in this Flipnote by てけたねたちの (id:TrezaL).

★ Stick figures such as this one by ~TLPF~ (id:Black-dragon) are also welcome for the weekly topic.

★ Is this a look into the future of mrjohn (id:mrjohn)?

Dani (id:Daniel6991)'s entry was almost too scary to get featured in the news.

"Halloween" Flipnotes from Japan

★ We enjoyed the funny story line in Teruhiro's (id:okada-1997-427) Flipnote.

★ We liked how Chinshunoyoshida (id:yoshidadada) used many perspectives to tell this sweet story.

★ Is Halloween for all ages? Perhaps you can find an answer in Foomin's (id:wrbyno10) Flipnote.

★ Take a scary walk through a forest in this Flipnote by Atsushi (id:s-28).

★ We liked the fluid shape shifting in this Flipnote by (=へ=) (id:Jmo_oJm).

★ This animation by Tomo (id:tomo0506) has a sweet ending.

Weekly Topic: Numbers

Have you always wanted to make a Flipnote about the mathematical constant π (pi), your lucky number or maybe a comparison between the number of stars in the sky with the number of stars on Hatena? This week we would like you to make Flipnotes featuring anything about numbers and have some numerical fun!

Think of things such as the loneliest number 1, counting sheep to go to sleep, and mathematics. You might want to teach others how to count in another language, or try to create some dazzling animations with crazy digits.

Please submit your weekly topic Flipnotes by midnight on November 3, 2011 (Thursday) US Pacific Time, and we will feature some of our favorites on November 4, 2011 (Friday).

You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):

Weekly Topic: Numbers

New Creator's Room Themes

This week we are happy to introduce 1 new Creator's Room theme. For more information please visit the Color Star Exchange on Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.

★ Add some Halloween spirit to your Creator's Room! This scary theme is based on giant skeletons known as "Gashadokuro" in Japanese folklore. (10 color stars)


Frog Sightings

If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.

Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.

Romero (id:r0mer0) spotted this frog during a walk.



You can read comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the Flipnote below:

Hatena Haiku