Hello Flipnoters, this is Aaron at Hatena in Kyoto, Japan with the second issue of the Flipnote Hatena news for the new year.
2012 is off to a great start, and this week we are happy to present some amazing new Flipnotes posted by users from around the world. We also have a brand new weekly topic that we hope inspires you to make some new animations.
If we feature your Flipnote in the news blog you will receive some free color stars that you can use in the Color Star Exchange, or to add to Flipnotes that you like.
Posting Flipnotes about the weekly topic is a good way to get noticed in the Hatena community, and might lead to Flipnote fame!
Thank you for checking out the news, and we are looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes.
Flipnote of the Week
★ A L E E St (id:ALEESt) from the Americas region posted this cute Flipnote that will surely bring a smile to your faces.
The best of the last week's topic: 'Sticky'
There were over 600 Flipnotes posted about last week's topic, and here are some of our favorites from around the world.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
'Sticky' Flipnotes from the Americas region
★ Do not lose your tongue while watching this Flipnote by Najat.T.S (id:gold69).
★ Can it get more sticky than in this funny Flipnote by TAK (id:TAKtheAWESOME)?
★ Watch out! We hope nobody got hurt in this animation by Ches`12X (id:mukiyuki010).
★ We loved the fluid sticky movements in this Flipnote by GIGANTOR (id:Fuddy-Duddy).
★ Cosmasque (id:cosmasque) shows us some serious sticky damage in her animation.
★ We liked the cute style of this Flipnote by ◎Iyana◎ (id:yana12345).
'Sticky' Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region
★ Gelo (id:RainGelo) shows us some amazing close ups about the nasty habit to put chewing gum under tables.
★ Check out this horse who gets involved in a sticky situation, by Bl@ckHorse (id:Ibiza03).
★ Sticky can be a sweet dream for some creatures as shown in this Flipnote by Dominique (id:dsdiamond).
★ The mouse is saved by the gum in this funny Flipnote by Anna (id:PurpleRaiin).
★ katt (id:katt2) shows us stickiness from dark places.
★ [LaB]~Basi (id:Bastian96) promotes recycling in this nice Flipnote.
'Sticky' Flipnotes from Japan
★ We liked the funny sounds in this Flipnote by SYATOU☆.
★ If you are cold stick together like the kittens in this animation by Foomin (id:wrbyno10).
★ Pan makes it clear that you do not need a vacuum cleaner if you have a sweater.
★ Check out the girl power in this Flipnote by 8:51:22 pm (id:go-rhythm).
★ Churipap (id:churi-pap) writes in her Flipnote that you need good timing to stick together.
★ The figure in this Flipnote by Futaki Family (id:light-f) becomes stickiness in itself.
This week's topic: Trains
This week we would like you to create Flipnotes that feature or include trains.
For over 200 years trains have been used to move people and things across great distances. All around the world trains are used by people everyday to commute to schools or offices, or for travel.
Try to make Flipnotes about steam locomotives, high speed trains such as the Shinkansen (the Japanese 'bullet train'), or subways. You might also try to create your own imaginary trains that fly through the air or travel in time. Another idea could be making a story that takes place inside of a train, or animating a story about a trip that you have taken by train.
Please submit your weekly topic Flipnotes by midnight on January 19, 2012 (Thursday) US Pacific Time, and we will feature some of our favorites on January 20, 2012 (Friday).
You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
Frog Sightings
If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the 'Weekly Frog Sighting' section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.
Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.
★ id:danimario9 posted these great photos of some frog thimbles and ceramic frog miniatures in Assisi, Italy.
What did you think about the weekly news this week? Let us know by telling us your feedback in the box below.
You can read comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the Flipnote below: