November 28, 2012: Hatena Featured Artist - Y-NN (id:y-nnxid)


Welcome to the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

We post the Hatena Featured Artist every week on Wednesday, and hope to introduce a variety of different artists that will inspire and entertain you.

Be sure to check here every week to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Y-NN (id:y-nnxid) from Japan.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

Hello everyone! I write my name as "Y-NN", which you can pronounce as "wine". I'm from Japan and have been a Flipnote Hatena user for 3 months.

What are your interests or hobbies, and how do you spend your free time?

Since I started making Flipnotes, I have been spending more time drawing. I also like exercise, but I spend a lot of time in my house. I enjoy watching movies, reading books, playing games, and of course making Flipnotes. Recently I like to read blogs and Hatena Haiku entries by other Flipnote Hatena users (Editor's note: Hatena Haiku is another one of Hatena's online services that can be accessed at

Please introduce some of your best Flipnotes, and tell us why you like them.

★ "10 Cats" - This is one of several Flipnotes I made where I created the soundtrack myself on the piano. It is difficult to match the song and the animation, but I had fun making this. I like cats, so they often appear in my Flipnotes.

★ I am usually not good at exaggerating motion in my drawings and animation. However, I think this animation came out just as I had planned.

★ I like Flipnotes without motion, though I haven't posted many of these lately. I like to carefully draw the fine details.

★ I posted this for Weekly Topic: Water/Liquids. It is surprisingly difficult to draw things that we see everyday, and I had a hard time making this. I had to use some tricks to complete this scene, and I felt I wasn't skilled enough to draw it. For this reason, this Flipnote left a strong impression on me.

★ This was made for Weekly Topic: Pumpkins. I wondered what would happen if something went wrong with the magic used in the story of "Cinderella". I think this is funny, and I am happy with the result.

★ I created this for Weekly Topic: Ghosts. I wanted to add more animation to the characters, but I gave up. I am pleased with the expressions and reactions of the characters.

What techniques or skills are you especially good at in your Flipnotes?

I'm not sure if I can say that making Flipnotes is something that I am especially good at, but I personally like the animations I create. I try all kinds of different techniques, and if people can say that I am skilled at doing any of them I would be pleased.

What are some techniques or skills that you wish to improve, try, or learn to do in order make your Flipnotes better?

I would like to use more color and shadow in my animations. If you check out the Flipnotes I have posted, you will notice I don't use a lot of color or shadow. I hope to someday learn to do that, but for now I get by without it.

Please introduce some of your favorite artists on Flipnote Hatena and tell us why you like them or their Flipnotes.

Okaru (id:jackall0125) makes all kinds of Flipnotes including illustrations, animations and comics. All of them are great, and I am captivated by the power of the drawings.

Rib Destroyer (id:ribdestroyer) creates a world of light and shadow that I really enjoy. I never get tired of watching these animations.

Arigatou (id:azinohiraki300) makes really nice Flipnotes for the weekly topic. The ideas are superb, and I like the music and overall feeling in the animations.

★ The characters created by Tooru.F (id:Tooru_F) are fascinating. The drawings are so detailed, and his humor is really wonderful too.

There are many other creators I like that I didn't include here -- I am looking forward to seeing everyone's animations.

Is there something you would like to say to the Flipnote Hatena community?

I still can't create Flipnotes exactly as I want them to be. However, I think that is part of the fun of making Flipnotes.

I like communicating with other creators, and having fun on Flipnote Hatena. I hope that everyone else can enjoy Flipnote Hatena too!

Click here to check out all of the Flipnotes by Y-NN (id:y-nnxid)

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!
