Hello, this is Aaron at Hatena in Kyoto, Japan with the final edition of the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News.
Flipnote Hatena is a unique and special community that has been part of the lives of many people around the world since 2008. Hatena produced the technology to make this service possible, but all of the people who posted Flipnotes, made friendships, and shared their creativity with the world here are truly the most important part of Flipnote Hatena. The magic that was Flipnote Hatena would have never happened without all of you!
We would like to take this moment to thank everyone in the Flipnote Hatena community for joining us on our animation adventure these past few years. We sincerely hope that the time we spent together on Flipnote Hatena can somehow help you in your future endeavors, and wish the best of luck to all of you.
For more details about the closing times for Flipnote Hatena in your region please access the link below:
Flipnote Hatena will soon come to an end, but the memories of the great times we had together here will always remain with us.
Thank you for reading the news blog all of these years, and for all of the amazing Flipnotes!
Flipnote of the Week
★ Itokichikun (id:wakasuga) from Japan posted this heart warming story about a young man and his Nintendo DSi.
The best of the last week's topic: "Thank You"
There were over 1,850 Flipnotes posted about last week's topic, and here are some of our favorites from around the world.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
"Thank You" Flipnotes from the Americas region
★ steven (id:vajra12) thanks us all with a clasp of his hands and a bow in this Flipnote.
★ bennett (id:TheFlipnoteDude) posted this thank you message with an exciting beat.
★ Octopus (id:physcolinda1) thanks a Nintendo DSi for the memories in this Flipnote.
★ ※Trícity※™ (id:Rosa08888) reminds us that when one door closes, another door always opens.
★ We enjoyed this beautifully drawn thank you animation by sarahw±サラ● (id:yhfjkcbnnvbnnb).
★ Mr.Epic (id:mr-epic) thanks the Flipnote Hatena community in this excellent Flipnote.
"Thank You" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region
★ HARRY (id:jago12-345) says thank you and goodbye to the Flipnote Hatena community in his own special way.
★ rainbowEnd (id:flowerpix) sends us all a beautiful thank you message in this animation.
★ All of the characters created by geezer (id:geezerdk) come together to say thank you in this Flipnote!
★ DSITEROL (id:Classic-Angels) created a cute and musical thank you message that made us smile.
★ Learn to say thank you in different languages in this animation by KitsuneFox (id:Clarisse84).
★ We liked the thankful frog and fun sounds in this animation by Lej (id:Lejla).
"Thank You" Flipnotes from Japan
★ Johnny 3 (id:a3735963) posted this Flipnote to thank his Nintendo DSi for all of its hard work.
★ Foomin (id:wrbyno10) thanks everyone in the Flipnote Hatena community in this beautiful animation.
★ Pichu says thanks to her Nintendo DSi in this nicely drawn Flipnote.
★ FENNEC (id:CYBASTER) sends a special thank you to us all in this amazing animation.
★ Tako Death (id:rabbit_thankyou) animates the words thank you and an octopus in this funny animation.
★ Yotti (id:yotiyottin) created this beautifully animated thank you message for the final weekly topic.
Frog Sightings
★ 6 J Rose (id:angel24) posted this photo of a frog checking out something new on a Nintendo 3DS.
★ DaUsername (id:theusername) discovered this little frog while doing some house cleaning.
What did you think about the weekly news this week? Let us know by telling us your feedback in the box below.
You can read comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the Flipnote below: