Flipnote Hatena Weekly News: December 4, 2009


There is less than 1 month left in the year 2009 and Flipnote Hatena will become 1 year old on December 24th, so we're planning some special events over the next few weeks that we hope you'll like.

Also, we hope that you're all enjoying being part of Flipnote Hatena as we grow and evolve, and would like to thank all of you for your help in building our worldwide community of Flipnote artists.

This week we're happy to announce some new exclusive content for you all to enjoy on Flipnote Central on both your Nintendo DSi and on the Flipnote Hatena website.

  • Be sure to check out the last Flipnote in the "12 Films of Christmas" series animated exclusively for Nintendo by Tim Ruffle, Commercials Director at Aardman Animations which is titled "The Weatherman".
  • We're also happy to present a new holiday themed Flipnote created for Nintendo by Aardman Animations, titled "Nintendo DSi Wish List".
  • Earlier this week we added 2 dynamite Flipnotes by actor, filmmaker and screenwriter Jon Heder, best known for his star appearance in the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". North American Wii owners can take a look at how these Flipnotes were made with an exclusive video on the Nintendo Channel. (Americas region only)

In this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena news blog, we're going to show you some of our favorite Flipnotes based on last weeks topic "Junk Food & Snacks", and introduce our new topic for this week which is "Holiday Wishlist"

If you post Flipnotes about the weekly topic, we might feature yours here on the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog next week -- post your Flipnotes and join in the fun!

Lastly, scroll to the bottom of this blog entry to see Weekly Frog Sightings where we feature original frog photos from users like you. Post your original frog photos to Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we might feature it here next week.

Read the Flipnote Hatena News blog in your language

Thanks to the help of Dr. Zoom and MdM you can also read a translation of this blog in German or Italian. Please be sure to check out the translations of the blog and give them some stars for all of their hard work.

Here is a list of the URL's that you can use to read the different language versions of this news blog:

If you are interested in helping us translate the blog to French or Spanish please get in touch with us. Please note that this is a volunteer position, but your work will be very much appreciated by all of us at Hatena and the Flipnote Hatena community.

Also please let us know any feedback you might have about our blog by posting your comments in the box at the bottom of this blog entry.

The best of last week's topic: "Junk Food & Snacks"

As of today, there were 1,922 Flipnotes posted by users from around the world for last week's topic, and we've done our best to introduce some of the best of those Flipnotes which we hope you'll enjoy.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted by users for last week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic posted from your own region by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

"Junk Food & Snacks" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region:

★ We liked the concept and animation in this Flipnote of a never-ending "Chocolate bar" by Fabio™ (id:ThEbEsTfOrEvEr96). Be sure to watch it in loop mode to enjoy the full effect.

★ You'll be lovin' the funny sounds and animation in this parody of a famous fast food chain's advertising campaign in this Flipnote by D (id:daliliad).

★ There is something hiding in the pizza in this nicely drawn Flipnote by Trudi (id:Trudi), that reminded us of the previous weekly topic ahref="http://flipnote.hatena.com/ch/11539863889747144207""Surprises".

★ We liked the effort made by Sword (id:Master_Sword), who actually bought some junk food, photographed it with the Nintendo DSi camera, and then animated it with Flipnote Studio. We hope it was tasty!

★ The difficulty of sharing your junk food with others, and the disappointment you feel when someone else eats your snacks is well expressed in "The Fry Yoinker" by Jackton (id:Jackton), who has once again posted an excellent Flipnote about the weekly topic.

"Junk Food & Snacks" Flipnotes from the Americas region:

★ We liked the short, sad story of "The Snack Guy" by BTD (id:PhantomK), about a hungry guy who loses his snacks while trying to answer his phone.

★ You'll be wondering if what you are seeing candy or a hamburger in this cute Flipnote by Sketch (id:Sihk_Sketch), that made us think of a strange Japanese hamburger candy that really does exist.

★ We liked the nicely drawn animation of the whole process of making a birthday cake by Regina (id:smithfamily) -- maybe we'll try it ourselves sometime. Nice work, Regina!

★ We enjoyed the towering super-mega-giant-deluxe burger in this Flipnote containing all sorts of delicious toppings including bacon, a whale(!), and... a human head(!?) in this fun Flipnote by Matthew (id:Mattman123).

★ It's a singing and dancing vaudeville trio of junk food and a soft drink, or is it ketchup (?) in this cute and funny Flipnote by Marilu (id:Marilu). Great work!

"Junk Food & Snacks" Flipnotes from Japan:

★ Check out this nicely done Flipnote titled "Gum" by Kanpan (iid:kch3007), which shows the close up of a mouth chewing a stick of gum and then blowing a bubble. It's "Good"!

★ We liked this nicely done Flipnote showing some wobbly pudding (known as "Purin" in Japanese) by ☆mikuru☆, that looks so real it actually made our mouths water.

★ This silent, well drawn Flipnote by NeIGe※ about eating some homemade candies, nicely expresses the way that we sometimes can't stop eating junk food and snacks until they are all gone.

★ The character in this Flipnote by RedKnow't (id:SYAAROKKU) liked dinner so much that he ate the whole plate. Crunch, crunch, crunch!

★ We liked the fluid animation and cute character having fun with a gelatin desert in this Flipnote by Ringo

This week's topic: "Holiday Wishlist"

This week's topic is about what gift (or gifts!) you want to receive this year during the holiday season. Create Flipnotes about the gifts you wish for, which can be things that are real or imaginary, or about the people who you'd like to receive gifts from.

You can post your Flipnotes about this topic to channel 8 from the top of the Channels page on Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

We're looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes, and will feature some of the best ones next week here in the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog.

You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


Follow Flipnote Hatena on Twitter

We've started a Twitter account to keep you updated about the latest news and happenings at Flipnote Hatena.

Follow us at: http://twitter.com/flipnotehatena

Weekly Frog Sighting

This week we are happy to present 2 different frog sightings that were sent to us by Hatena users. Thank you for submitting your photos, and we're happy to feature your international frog findings here.


Our first frog sighting photo of this week was sent to us by Flipnote artist extraordinaire id:DrZoom with the following explanation:

I took this picture in the forest of Madagascar. Tree frogs have very good camouflage. Can you see the frog on the picture?

Also, be sure to check out Dr. Zoom's excellent Flipnote Artist Wiki


This week's second frog sighting photo is of a cool frog tattoo that was sent to us by id:kerious from Michigan USA, with the following explanation:

This is my 14 year old frog tattoo. The pic is kinda fuzzy...

If you are interested in having your frog photo featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog you can post it on Hatena Haiku (post to the keyword "Frog Sightings") and we'll choose the best ones and feature them here.

Please submit only original photos that you have taken yourself, and tell us the place and date you took the photo.

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, and please add a star if you enjoyed it!

Also, please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below.

Hatena Haiku