April 14, 2010: Hatena Featured Artist - Marimura (id:marimura)


Welcome to the fourth edition of the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

Every two weeks we post an interview with a talented creator on Flipnote Hatena, and include some information about their background, and the inspiration for their work.

Be sure to check back here every other Wednesday to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Marimura (id:marimura) from Japan.

Title: "Welcome to Ugomemo Community" (Ugomemo= "Flipnote" in Japanese)

1. Please introduce yourself.

My name is Marimura, and I live in Kyushu (an island in south western Japan). I used to write novels and paint as a hobby, but lately I have only been making Flipnotes.

2. How did you get to know about Flipnote Hatena?

A member of my family got a Nintendo DSi for a Christmas present and talked to me about Flipnote Hatena, and I saw some Flipnotes that I liked.

I also discovered that I can watch Flipnote Hatena from my computer too, so I started searching the website.

3. When does an idea for Flipnote come up to your mind?

The best moment is when I see an impressive Flipnote, or beautiful animation, or an interesting comic type of Flipnote inspires me very much.

Also, I get some ideas just before I fall asleep.

Title:"I love you!"

4. What do you do when you have free time?

When I have plenty of free time, I draw Flipnotes or talk to my friends online.

Recently, we have less time to read books, watch movies, and play video games because making Flipnotes is very fun!

If I have only short amount of time, I check some websites on my cell phone such as Ugomemo Hatena (the Japanese version of Flipnote Hatena.)

5. Do you have any ideas for your new Flipnotes?

I would love to make a Flipnote with smooth animation. Also, I would like to make a story for a Flipnote, though, but the limits on the length of time and file sizes for Flipnotes makes that difficult. I am planning to draw the everyday life of my original characters.

Title:"Practice for facial expression"

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!

Check out Marimura's works on Flipnote Hatena
