Hello Flipnote friends and fans! This is Aaron at Hatena, bringing you the latest news about Flipnote Hatena.
This past week we made several improvements to Flipnote Hatena, including some new ways to share your Flipnotes with others.
You can now easily share the Flipnotes you like on Facebook by using the following new features on every Flipnotes' page on the Flipnote Hatena website.
With these new tools, you can easily share Flipnotes you like with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. You can also share Flipnotes on Hatena's mini-blogging service Hatena Haiku (http://h.hatena.com) by using the "Haiku" button.
These sharing options are available on the Flipnote Hatena website only in the "Embed Flipnote" section found on the right side of every Flipnotes' page. We hope that these new tools make it easier for you to share your Flipnotes with the world!
Earlier this week, we also fixed a bug with the way channels work on Flipnote Hatena. Starting from July 19, 2011 there was an application error that allowed Flipnote Citizens to unlink Flipnotes from channels on the Flipnote Hatena website. We have now corrected this problem, and now only the original poster of a Flipnote or the owners of channels where Flipnotes are posted can unlink Flipnotes from specific channels. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this situation may have caused.
In the news this week we are pleased to introduce some great "Shoes" Flipnote, and also have a fun new topic that we hope will make your imaginations soar. For more information please keep reading.
Thanks for checking out the weekly news blog, and we are looking forward to seeing your Flipnotes!
Flipnote of the Week
★ We really enjoyed this fantastic Flipnote titled "Flower powers" by Joni (id:hattukatti) from the Europe and Oceania region. Please make sure you check out all of the Flipnotes by Joni on Flipnote Hatena.
If you have suggestions for future Flipnotes of the Week, you can post your nominations or suggestions on Hatena Haiku under the keyword "Flipnote of the Week Nomination/Suggestions".
The best of the last week's topic: "Shoes"
This week we are happy to introduce some of our favorite weekly topic Flipnotes posted by creators from around the world.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
"Shoes" Flipnotes from the Americas region
★ cosmasque (id:cosmasque) posted this clever animation titled "Cloudfoot Airlines".
★ RaichúGirl (id:Pokazot) made this Flipnote about a young man who forgets something important.
★ We liked this simple and well-done shoe animation by Vash (id:Fidgit).
★ A boy and his shoe have an encounter with a lion in this Flipnote by Sushi (id:Suzy101).
★ Take a trip through the clouds with some winged shoes in this Flipnote by TruthBeLie (id:TruthBeLie).
★ Some smelly shoes cause a big problem in this Flipnote by R£ynosos™ (id:elhim2).
"Shoes" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region
★ Gelo (id:RainGelo) posted this Flipnote about some fantastic jet powered shoes. Don't try this at home!
★ Enjoy rollerskating in this cute Flipnote by ★☆Mariii★☆ (id:fintom).
★ All sorts of shoes get animated with the Nintendo DSi Camera application in this Flipnote by Elise (id:Nakatsuki).
★ The Prince (id:Chaos_Cansu) posted this Flipnote about how shoes can warm the heart.
★ We liked this Flipnote by MisSizZ %D (id:MisSizZ) about a young woman who wants to purchase some expensive shoes.
★ judgedredd (id:judgedredd) created this interesting animation about a shoe store.
"Shoes" Flipnotes from Japan
★ A young girl tries on her mother's shoes and imagines the future in this Flipnote by ma-na (id:e29k10).
★ Procchi (id:ProTein) posted this love story titled "The Love of 2 Feet". The Japanese text reads "Umm…", "This is who I am…" "I think…" "Shh… just be quiet".
★ A young man dreams about trying on a new pair of shoes in this Flipnote by Sumiko.
★ Johnny 3 (id:a3735963) made this animation about a shoemaker and his little helper. The Japanese text at the ends reads "Things don't always happen like they do in the story".
★ yuri (id:natsubanohitsuji) posted this animation about a young man who kicks his sandal to the sky and says "Make the weather nice tomorrow". The following day the weather is fine!
★ Kurani (id:cranium-rr) posted this beautifully drawn Flipnote titled "Whose shoes?".
This week's topic: "Flying Machines" (July 29, 2011 - August 4, 2011)
This week we would like you to create Flipnotes that feature things that can fly. Use existing flying machines such as airplanes, blimps, hang gliders, helicopters, hot-air balloons or paper airplanes. You can also try to crate your own original flying machines and bring them to life in your Flipnotes.
We hope that this topic can inspire you to create some new high-flying animations. See where your creativity takes you!
You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
We will feature some of our favorite weekly topic Flipnotes in next week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News.
New Creator's Room Themes
The designers at Flipnote Hatena have created two new Creator's Room themes. For more information please visit the Color Star Exchange by tapping on "Get New Themes" on Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.
★ Decorate you Creator's Room with this marine inspired theme. (10 color stars)
★ This theme features a frog taking a drive to the sea. (20 color stars)
Weekly Frog Sighting
If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the "Weekly Frog Sighting" section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.
Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.
★ id:lidianek posted this frog photo with the description: "This is a frog I found at the garden of my mother's friend's inn."
Please let us know what you think about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting any comments you might have in the box below. Thanks!
★ You can also see comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the comments for the Flipnote below: