Hello, this is Aaron at Hatena in Kyoto, Japan with the latest news from the Flipnote Hatena community.
On September 19, 2012 we posted the winners of the Flipnote Hatena 3rd Anniversary event. If you haven't yet seen these amazing Flipnotes, please check them out in the "News" section of Flipnote Hatena for Nintendo DSi.
This week we have a fun new topic that we hope will inspire you to create some new animations. Keep reading to find out more.
Thanks for checking out the news blog, from all of us at Hatena.
Flipnote of the Week
★ katt (id:katt2) from the Europe and Oceania region posted this funny Flipnote titled the "Hatena Talent Show".
The best of the last week's topic: "Voice"
There were over 1,180 Flipnotes posted about last week's topic, and here are some of our favorites from around the world.
You can see all of the Flipnotes posted about last week's topic by clicking on the link below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
In addition to the Flipnotes that we have selected here, you can also see some more of our favorites in the 'Best of Hatena' channel at the URL below:
"Voice" Flipnotes from the Americas region
★ $PRエ〒£BOY (id:spriteboy7) invented a machine that can translate any language.
★ We liked the singing trio in this animation by SoniKawAii (id:Art-Z).
★ GrApELush (id:Block-Fan225) made a story about one of the most irritating voices in the universe.
★ Listen to the voice of this singer created by Shortcom.™ (id:H-man88888888).
★ Najat.T.S (id:gold69) shows us what happens when people are too loud in the mountains.
★ A pair of characters make all kinds of voices in this animation by ★キム•◎☆ (id:SharylKreiss).
"Voice" Flipnotes from the Europe and Oceania region
★ Marten (id:Mg912) reminds us to always expect the unexpected!
★ Robles (id:robles) made this funny animation about a vocal quartet.
★ Sit back and enjoy the show in this animation by Sarah (id:Dachshund).
★ We liked the many funny voices in this Flipnote by Foufi (id:Boumzi).
★ This text at the end of this Flipnote by eva (id:TheEvaBros1) says "Sorry".
★ A scary voice comes from the bushes in this animation by Berkan (id:Berkan).
"Voice" Flipnotes from Japan
★ Schoolkids make all sorts of animal noises in this animation by Akage no Ryuusei X (id:komatumomoko).
★ Arigatou (id:azinohiraki300) made this neat Flipnote about voices used for communication.
★ Someone is hearing voices in this animation by utopian (id:rsythh).
★ Two friends are talking on the telephone in this animation by Natsu Mikan (id:cn0165).
★ Try to figure out where is the voice coming from in this Flipnote by Johnny 3 (id:a3735963).
★ We liked the detailed drawings in this Flipnote by Hihi (id:hjift02) titled "I Want to Hear Your Voice".
This week's topic: "Water/Liquids"
This week we would like you to create Flipnotes about water and other liquids. Animate liquids such as juice, magma, oil, soda, syrup, or water. Include things like fountains, plumbing, puddles, raindrops, rivers, spilled drinks, water balloons, wells, or waterfalls in your Flipnotes. You can try to use the Nintendo DSi Camera to animate liquids, but be careful to not get your Nintendo DSi wet! See where your creativity takes you!
Please submit your weekly topic Flipnotes by 9:00 PM on September 27, 2012 (Thursday) US Pacific Time, and we will present some of our favorites on September 28, 2012 (Friday).
You can see all of the Flipnotes currently posted about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):
Frog Sightings
If you are interested in having your frog photo or illustration featured in the 'Weekly Frog Sighting' section of the blog please post them on Hatena Haiku and we might feature it here.
Please submit only original photos/illustrations that you have created yourself.
★ id:PCfanatic94 posted this photo of his old frog umbrella.
★ id:ALEESt got a frog stuck to her Nintendo DSi! Oh Noes!
What did you think about the weekly news this week? Let us know by telling us your feedback in the box below.
You can read comments posted by Nintendo DSi users by viewing the Flipnote below: