Introducing the new Hatena Star and Hatena Message

Hatena has released its new services Hatena Star and Hatena Message today.

Each service has its own unique characteristics.

Hatena Star

Make your blogging experience fun with the handy Hatena Star. Just program a simple code in to your blog template and you can easily designate your friends with a star. Then you can set up your blog to receive comments only from your trusted friends.

We hope that in the future Hatena Star will not only be limited to blogs, but also used widely on the Internet as an Information Visualization System.

Hatena Message

Hatena Message sends you a summary of each message sent to you from any one of the Hatena services, and works like an e-mail system.

For more information on Hatena Star and Hatena Message, please read the respective release document.

What is Hatena?

Hatena is an Internet services company established in Japan in 2001. For years this service was only provided in Japanese at, but now it is also available in English at We hope that many English-speaking users will make use of our services.

Come join us at Hatena and enjoy the experience!