We have just added a new page to Hatena Star that shows the most popular entries within each domain.
Example : Most Popular Entries in Hatena Diary
If you want to check other Starred entry in any domains, you can change the domain in front of "s.hatena.com" to check it. Sadly Hatena Star is spreading in Japan but unfortunately U.S. Is not so thus our I18N team try to spread.
Move from one domain to another just by clicking on the green domain name on the Hatena Star page. Or you can write the domain name that you want in front of s.hatena.com, and it will take you there.
The Most Popular Entries page for each domain lists the entries in each domain that have recently received Stars or comments in order of the number of Stars received.
With this new feature, you can now see which entries have been the most popular among Hatena Groups that have relatively few blog entries. You can see the Most Popular Entries page of Hatena Groups set to private mode if you have approval to view their entries (Groups, blogs and entries set to private mode will display a lock icon).
We hope you find this new feature useful.