System bug report: Number of stars not being displayed properly

Since last week, we have been experiencing a technical problem at Flipnnote Hatena which is that the number of stars Flipnotes and users have earned is appearing lower than actual number of stars that the Flipnote or user has actually received.

You might observe this bug in the following locations on our website and on Flipnote Hatena on the Nintendo DSi:

  • The number of stars displayed on the thumbnail icon of Flipnotes, such as on the top page of the Flipnote Hatena website or in All Flipnotes is sometimes displayed with the wrong number.
  • The total number of stars that a user has earned, which is displayed in a user's Creator's Room is sometimes not displayed properly.

In the above cases, the number of stars displayed may be incorrect, however the correct number of stars a Flipnote has earned should be appearing properly on the details page for the Flipnote.

This error was caused by a technical problem with the server that saves and calculates the number of stars on Flipnote Hatena. We are working on fixing this problem now, and none of the data about stars that Flipnotes or users have earned has been lost. This problem with stars has also caused no problems with the calculation of the creator rankings on Flipnote Hatena.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this situation might have caused, and thank you for your continued support of Flipnote Hatena.