June 30, 2010: Hatena Featured Artist - Pekin San (id:pekindaq)


Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

We post a new edition of the Hatena Featured Artist every week on Wednesday, and hope to introduce a variety of different artists that will inspire and entertain you.

Be sure to check back here every Wednesday to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Pekin San (id:pekindaq) from Japan.

This is the "Ugomemo Hatena Theme Song" ("Ugomemo Hatena" is the Japanese name of "Flipnote Hatena") that was made collaboratively by Pekin San with 17 other users in Japan, that features all kinds of original characters made by Japanese Flipnote Hatena users.

English Translation of the "Ugomemo Theme Song"

It's a funny little memopad,

Turn the pages of your Flipnotes,

Everybody will come to like it,

You'll be really surprised!

If you have a feeling inside of you,

there's nothing you can't draw.

On the black and white canvas

make a red and blue message.

If your good or if your bad,

Hey, don't worry about it!

Draw whatever you want to draw!

Right now!

Make it move, the feelings from your heart,

the Flipnotes are my dreams,

Send that special person a "Happy Star" --

Flipnote Hatena!

Please introduce yourself.

Hello, my ID is id:pekindaq, and I live in Osaka, Japan. I work at an IT company, so I often use computers and other kinds of electronics. I have lots of hobbies such as playing video games, making music, singing karaoke, and drawing sketches.

How did you learn about Flipnote Hatena?

I first discovered Flipnote Studio when I was looking around in the Nintendo DSi Shop, soon after I bought a Nintendo DSi.

How do you get your inspiration for creating Flipnotes?

I think about ways that I can best express myself with the simple functions, features, performance and colors of Flipnote Studio, and sometimes I get a great idea. However, a problem I often encounter is that someone has already posted a Flipnote with a similar idea to mine!

What do you do in your free time?

Recently, I have been busy with work and don't have much take time to create Flipnotes. When I have free time, I get on the Internet, play games on my Nintendo DSi or take a nap when I get sleepy. Unfortunately I haven't been able to post any new Flipnotes recently.

Nintendo DSi: Hello, I'm a Nintendo DSi.

Nintendo DSi XL: I'm a Nintendo DSi LL.

(* The Nintendo DSi XL is known as the Nintendo DSi LL in Japan)

What kind of Flipnotes do you want/like to create?

I would like to create a Flipnote which makes people grin and think "I have never thought of this kind of an idea before!

This is a Flipnote featuring characters made by other Flipnote users in Japan. By drawing other users' characters and interacting with others, I made many friends on Flipnote Hatena.

Ugomemo Fight:"The Wasted Effort to Gain Stars"

Ban Ren Jan had travelled from faraway

He saw something that had been dropped on the road

A frog came and picked it up

Frog: "What is this, a memo pad?"

Ban Ren Jan: "Hey wait a minute -- I found that first, that's mine"

Frog: "No way, I picked it up first"

Ban Ren Jan: "Can't you just let me see it?"

Frog: "No way, I'm going to look at it first"

Ban Ren Jan: "Come on, don't be so selfish!"

Frog: "Don't underestimate the power of a amphibian!"

A fight begins...

Ugoko was watching the fight.

Ugoko: "What am I going to do about these two? What's going on here?"

Frog: "We're arguing about who can look at this memo pad first."

Ugoko: "Can't you two just calm down and talk about it?"

The three of them decided to look at what was inside of the memo pad together.

They opened the memo pad and the words inside were...

"If you look at this please add stars"

The three of them had nothing to say about the memo inside...

(Editor's note: The Japanese name of Flipnote Studio is Ugoku Memocho which literally translates as "Moving Memo Pad" in English.)

Check out id:pekindaq's works on Flipnote Hatena

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!
