June 15, 2011: Hatena Featured Artist - Kevin (id:K8phux)


Welcome to the Hatena Featured Artist section of our blog, where we introduce Flipnote creators from around the world.

We post the Hatena Featured Artist every week on Wednesday, and hope to introduce a variety of different artists that will inspire and entertain you.

Be sure to check here every week to see some of the most amazing artists on Flipnote Hatena. Maybe we'll even feature you someday!

Today's Hatena Featured Artist is Kevin (id:K8phux) from the Americas region.

Please tell us about yourself.

Hola! My name is Kevin, I'm 19 years old, and I'm originally from Serbia and now living in Peru. I started making Flipnotes in January 2011, but I've been drawing since I was very little.

What are your interests or hobbies, and how do you spend your free time?

My main hobby these days is creating Flipnotes, but I also like making ceramic figures and drawing comics. Sometimes I play video games, or visit the park and draw interesting people and things that I find. I also enjoy both watching and playing sports, especially basketball and soccer.

Please introduce some of your best Flipnotes, and tell us why you like them.

★ "Slow Dream"

This Flipnote took me 4 days to make. I first drew a rough draft of the sofa, and then planned the angles, and drew the characters in different colors and layers. The boy's voice is mine, and the girl's voice is my mother's.

★ "Love Flower"

This Flipnote also started from a rough sketch. I made this Flipnote when I was still learning to use Flipnote Studio, and it took me a while to get used to the fast speed. The story was easy to make because I always have various ideas in my head!

★ "Vampire vs. Onion"

I was going to let the vampire bite the woman's neck in the beginning, but I changed my mind and added the punch line with the onions. I first drew the sky with black, and then erased it and used a gradation instead. This Flipnote also took me about 4 days to make.

★ "Bubble Head"

This is a Flipnote that made me notice how fast I was improving with my animation skills. My cousin helped me with the voice part. Though the car didn't turn out very well, I still like it.

More Flipnotes by Kevin, chosen by Hatena

★ "Bum Bum Dance"

This Flipnote was posted for the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News topic "Beats".

★ "Unititled"

This Flipnote was posted for the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News topic "Eggs".

What techniques or skills are you especially good at in your Flipnotes?

Creating characters and drawing people is my strongest skill. I always imagine the movements and thoughts of a character, and build my stories up from there. I'm also good at animating motion, and use the transparency feature and different techniques of drawing to make my animations smooth. People say that my stories are unique, and seem to enjoy them.

One reason that my stories are original is because I don't watch television. I believe that watching television just takes away your imagination and creativity.

What are some techniques or skills that you wish to improve?

I would like to improve my skills at drawing facial expressions, camera movement, and sound effects so I can make more realistic Flipnotes.

Please introduce some of your favorite Flipnote artists

★ I like how PickyEater (id:AnotherPickyEater) draws and animates. Her stories are always about real life, and are very interesting too.

★ The quality of the Flipnotes by D. Gray- Man (id:anna3434) is just amazing, and I believe it takes a lot of skills and time to make Flipnotes like hers.

★ I think Darkhart (id:Darkhart) is very creative, especially with his characters. I really admire how he's good at drawing the characters' expressions. Unfortunately he doesn't make Flipnotes that often, but when he does, he really makes good ones!

Da-kun (id:Rakugaki321) is a great artist. I wish there were more artists like him. His Flipnotes make me look forward for more, but unfortunately, he isn't that active and I have to wait anxiously.

InkWolf (id:InkWolf) always surprises me with how much he can do in a short Flipnote!

Is there something you would like to say to the Flipnote Hatena community?

I would like to see more great artists on Flipnote Hatena who make unique animations.

You don't have to be especially good at drawing, nor animating to be a Flipnote artist. You just have to be patient, practice a lot, and draw things that you like.

Please don't make unmodified copies of other artists' Flipnotes or Flipnotes that just ask for stars.

I'd like to thank everyone for all your support, and thanks to Hatena for letting me join such a wonderful community with amazing people!

Click here to check out all of Kevin's Flipnotes

Thanks for checking out the Hatena Featured Artist, and please let us know any feedback that you have in the box below. Also, please be sure to check out Flipnotes by the creator we interviewed here, and show them your support with your stars and comments!
