Flipnote Hatena Weekly News: October 16, 2009

Monday was a national holiday here in Japan, so this week was shorter than usual for us at Hatena. However, we tried to do as much as we could in the 4 days we were in the office this week and released 2 new features for Flipnote Hatena which are "Your recommended Flipnotes" and "Your recommended creators".

For more information about these new features please access the link below:


The Flipnote Hatena team has been busy working on several other new features that we hope to release as soon as they are ready. We'll do our best to let you know about any new features we add to the service here on our official blog.

For this week's edition of the Flipnote Hatena Weekly news, we'll showcase some of our favorite Flipnotes from around the world, as well as review our choices for the best submissions from last week's topic "Fly in the sky". At the end of the blog we'll introduce our new topic for this week.

Some of our favorite Flipnotes from around the world

Our weekly favorites from the Europe and Oceania region:

★ We liked this Flipnote that reminded us of a Rube Goldberg style crazy machine by イhた Yたイi ツ (id:The_Morish) that loops very nicely.

★Check out the fluid animation and playful style of this Flipnote by Alberto (id:Sancho_Retablez), and be sure to have a look at this creator's other Flipnotes.

★ This fun Flipnote by るソィöÖれ (id:ZytoOn) features a singing egg on a trapeze that is extremely well illustrated and made us laugh. Great work!

Our weekly favorites from the Americas region:

★ We've forgotten all of our favorite superheroes from the past, and now highly respect the dynamic duo of "Baman and Piderman". We'll try having some cereal the next time we're feeling confused as suggested by Benjamin (id:Thefireball).

★ The natural curiousity of humans is expressed nicely in this Flipnote by andruken (id:andruken). You'll be surprised at what is underneath!

★ We also really enjoyed his cute Flipnote with some beautifully animated ducks by Kittles (id:NichKittles). Quack! Quack!

Our weekly favorites from Japan:

★ Enjoy the revving engines and realistic illustration and sounds of F-1 racing in "Formula" by HIROSHI (id:hiroshi-0). Great work!

★ This well animated Flipnote by Sheetan (id:yuKa) features a young woman in a field somewhere at night, full of mystery.

★ You'll enjoy this short love story by Toshi(Teto (id:kaho24), and maybe even blush!

The best of last week's topic: "Fly in the sky"

We had 690 Flipnotes posted by users from around the world for this week's topic "Fly in the sky" and had a hard time to choose our favorites, but we've done our best to choose 9 great Flipnotes below.

You can see all of the Flipnotes posted by users from all regions for this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


You can also see the Flipnotes for last week's topic posted from your own region by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

"Fly in the sky" Flipnotes from Europe and Oceania

★ We very much enjoyed "Butterfly flutter by" by Romero (id:r0mer0) which features an original soundtrack and beautiful animation.

★ Hinto (id:Hinto) is back again with a fun Flipnote, "Over the moon", about a race by two characters through the stratosphere.

★ We're looking forward to seeing the rest of this excellent work in progress by Theo (id:Theo-Hodkin) with a well-drawn, dramatically animated airplane attacking a target on the ground.

"Fly in the sky" Flipnotes from Japan:

★ Nakano (id:nakano87) takes a comedic twist on space travel in "Launch" that we're sure you'll like.

★ A flipbook comes to life and soars through the sky in this noisy, fun Flipnote by Ugokuchannel (id:dsright)

★ This short Flipnote about a young girl who sends a message by tying it to a balloon and setting it free by Sankyakuo brought a tear to our eye. Nice work!

"Fly in the sky" Flipnotes from the Americas:

★ One of our favorite Flipnote creators from the Americas, Mary (id:veronicam), created the extremely detailed "Flight Furl" which really impressed us.

★ We also very much enjoyed the daredevil character in "mister cannon" by ricter (id:ollymao), which is quite a lot of fun to watch in loop mode.

★ Shérine (id:PinkGunner) captures the feelings of autumn in this Flipnote of a leaf blowing through the air. Good job!

This week's topic: "Flipnotes with Original Sound"

For this week's topic create a Flipnote that contains some kind of original sounds or music that you make yourself.

Use your voice, hum, whistle, bang on your Nintendo DSi or use a musical instrument to create some kind of sound or music that is completely original and new, and use it as the soundtrack for your Flipnote. You can record your sounds with the sound tools in Flipnote Studio or import sounds that you create with the Nintendo DSi Sound application.

Post your submissions about this topic by entering the command via "Command Search" from Flipnote Hatena on your Nintendo DSi.

Check out the current submissions about this week's topic at the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


We'll introduce some of the best Flipnotes from around the world based on this week's theme in next week's Flipnote Hatena news blog.

Hatena Request Channel

Do you have any ideas about how we can improve Flipnote Hatena? Please let us know by posting a Flipnote with your ideas to the Hatena Request Channel.

You can post your ideas and feedback by entering the command to directly access the Hatena Request Channel and post your Flipnotes for us there.

You can see the current submissions to the Hatena Request Channel the URL below (be sure to set your content preference to Worldwide to see Flipnotes from all regions):


Thanks for taking the time to read our blog, and please add a star if you enjoyed it!

Also, please give us any feedback you might have about the Flipnote Hatena Weekly News blog by posting your comments below.

Hatena Haiku